Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Right to Development under Globalization

Hello dear Growers!

First of all a big thank you to all our followers, few for now, but I'd say we've had sustainable growth... :)

So today's post is an article. We'll just name the article and it's author but we will not upload the article for it is not in a public domain. So you will just have to find it by yourselves, which shouldn't be hard.

The article:

"Realization or deprivation of the right to development under globalization: Debt, structural adjustment, and poverty reduction programs" by Robert Mazur, published in Geojournal, Volume 60, Number 1, Pages 61-71.

Excellent view of how Development has evolved and started gaining strength through out the last 30 years. A must read for all Growers...

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